Nursing Care for Elderly Patients with a Risk of Unstable Blood Sugar from Systems Theory: Case Report

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Luz Adriana Hernández Amín, Judith Cristina Martinez-Royert, Kelin Plaza Gómez


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is included in the group of chronic non-communicable diseases, its therapeutic management is prolonged and requires special care to avoid complications, an aspect studied in the patient with diabetes is the glycemic index (GI) to quantify the glycemic response and insulinemia to carbohydrates ingested in different foods by comparing it with the response of a reference food. Objective: To implement nursing care to elderly patients with risk of unstable glycemia based on the theory of Betty Neuman. Methodology: Clinical case, descriptive; based on the theoretical foundations of the concept of system theory of Betty Neuman, we take into account the Nursing Care Process (NCP) of the taxonomies NANDA NIC and NOC. Instruments used: Family health instruments (Apgar, Familiogram, Ecomap) and System Nursing Theory. Results: comprehensive nursing care was provided, nutritional advice focused on the need for dietary modification and on self-care practices of diabetes Conclusions: the patient improved his risk process of unstable glycemia, strengthening self-care behaviours. The care provided to the patient had its disciplinary and scientific bases in the model of Betty Neuman, which allowed after all the interventions that the patient internalizes the behaviors of care of his pathology.

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How to Cite
Luz Adriana Hernández Amín, Judith Cristina Martinez-Royert, Kelin Plaza Gómez. (2021). Nursing Care for Elderly Patients with a Risk of Unstable Blood Sugar from Systems Theory: Case Report. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 994–1007. Retrieved from