Analysis of Risk Factors of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer; Prevention & Diagnosis

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Aiman Ashfaq, Tayyaba Shan, Nagina Zulfiqar Syed Waqas Hassan, Bushra Gul


To study the clinical heterogeneity of ovarian malignancy growth, what the job ofBRCA2gene in human cell and how it is answerable to ovarian cancer. To study the hereditary qualities and subatomic and organic system include in the advancement of ovarian cancer, distinctive treatment and medical procedures that demonstrated advantageous in rewarding ovarian malignant growth and lessen its danger of reoccurrence. Data is collected from medical record of ovarian cancer patients fromPOF hospital between 1st Nov 2019 to 30th Jan 2020. Medical history of the patient was study in which her biopsy, hormonal, chemotherapy medication ultrasound of pelvic, CA125 blood test, TVUS, Transvaginal ultrasound, family history, imaging test, CT scan, laparoscopy report include. IBM SPSS statistic version 25 software is used to prepared result. Genetically, ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous and dynamic disease that presents several clinical and research challenges. The most common symptoms among ovarian cancer patients were GT tract symptoms in which pelvic mass, abdominal distension and ascites were most common. Most of the patient diagnosed at stage 3 and high level of CA125 is noticed in their blood test report. 40% of our patients under study suffer from serous ovarian cancer.60% of our patient treated with chemotherapy and 25% with medication. So, the purpose of our study is to provide relationship between lifestyle risk factors and epithelial cancer diagnosis.

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How to Cite
Syed Waqas Hassan, Bushra Gul, A. A. T. S. N. Z. (2021). Analysis of Risk Factors of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer; Prevention & Diagnosis. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 780–796. Retrieved from